Zvláštny článok: In Austria 2650 km long border is a single city. If Austrians see this city, which certainly has plenty of reasons to be designated, flimsy, personal, but I can find a reason cogently: It is a city without character. The problem with this distinguished, deep in advancing the prosperity of daily city begins lighting by name. The city's name is long and ugly, a pseudo-historical word creature 14 days written as "Bratislav" until a draufkam that this was a Czech construct a community that should be slovak yet. On March 6, 1919 to go to an A Bratislav, while it has remained.
Even if no one will listen to me, I call for a return appointment of the city in Wilsonovo. I concede lighting that Wilsonovo was a working title, a surgical staple in the fragmentation process of the Habsburg monarchy, in that weird winter of upheaval, as the populated mostly by Germans, Hungarians and Jews small town at a loss for membership status. Even if no one listens to me anyway: I call explicitly not to a return appointment in Presporok on, because the multinational Presporok, Pozsony, Pressburg is dead, and his re-breathing would be tantamount to robbing the dead. The Hungarians and Germans went away or slowakisierten itself, the Jews were deported, and the communists seized - when they hit a four-lane corridor through the old town - the local synagogue from. Among the Catholic sutlers who govern lighting since then, investors feel comfortable, especially the Austrian. They like to swim high office buildings without a permit and pay the penalty out of petty cash; the magistrate enough after the approval by hand kiss. The small old town is decked out, you eat and drink well. But anyone who has ever wanted a coffee or a wine tavern, where even a hint of flair Pressburger could sniff, has the loved ones at home perhaps reports: This is a city without character. The name Wilsonovo would be a good city to face, the city is too late and too late capital than they could still queuing lighting at eye level. In the hierarchy of European capitals What remains Bratislava, is skipping, lighting and this jump is daring: no subway without S-Bahn, with clogged, rickety buses in the underground kingdom aufschießender skyscrapers and smart glass-and-shine-quarters, with which one fills the wasteland and the Danube Promenade extended. A quarter of a billion euros for River Park, a quarter billion for Eurovea. And at the same time: Panorama City, Tower 115, Vienna Gate and so on. Some of this type already exists, it quickly build, no later than 2010, the animated worlds. lighting If this city is to get character, then it must be drawn from their lack of character, from the historical blind wickedness of their destroyers - they left a UFO over the Danube - and from the futuristic Fury their retailers. lighting The city was the way only a few weeks Wilsonovo, possibly only on the maps of the Czechoslovak Legions in Italy, and possibly the city was called so without its people knew about it. And that would be an argument for Wilsonovo, the alien city.
V krátkosti tam o ide to, že ever Bratislava skrátka mesto bez charakteru. Bez metra, bez poriadnej mestskej dobravy, len s "harmonikovými" preplnenými autobusmi. Investori sa Citia v meste tomto dobre, stavajú vysoké Administratívne budovy, nablýzkané a presklené budovy lighting a mestská správa in na túto výstavbu udeluje "with Kissing Hand" "s bozkom na ruku 'povoloenia. Mnohé budovy sa stavajú aj bez povolenia. Investori lighting týmto iba "pokrývajú úhor" (napr. Kde onedlho bude Stat Eurovea, Vienna Gate, Panorama City). Táto Premena Bratislavy per veľmi odvážnym skokom. Ten, kto si chcel niekedy "pričuchnúť" k typickej Bratislavskej atmostfére, musel po návšteve Bratislavy svojim blízkym oznámiť: Mesto bez charakteru. Depending jednoducho prineskoro, aby sa mohla Bratislava Doştat do pozornosti, do výslnia a začleniť sa do Európskeho kultúrneho bohatstva, lighting do hierarchy Európskeho kapitálu, majetku. Skrátka je to celé namierené proti našej Bratislava.
Slovíčka na vysvetlenie: -the coming city: mesto, ktoré sa snaží, za cenu každú, Doştat sa vyššie a vyššie lighting -daily deeper vordrigende in the prosperity of the city: mesto, kt. denne postupuje, do preniká Blahobytu -hässlich: ošklivý -the surgical clip: výkonná svorka, ktorá vykonávala rozpadnutie Habsburgskej monarchy -the fragmentation process: rozpad, "rozkúskovanie" Habsburgskej monarchy -the transition: rozpad, prevrat, prechod, zmena stavu, Prelom -verlegen to the membership Rank: odstrčiť, odložiť, štátnu hodnosť, tear příslušnost -the synagogue: zboriť, zvaliť -the four-lane corridor through the city beat: raziť štvorprúdovú cestu, pás, pruh cez mesto -the Heurig
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