Friday, March 13, 2015

The HANAKEN he shares back to the ACTUAL HANAKEN, BLATNIAKEN and ZABETSCHAKEN, and says of them,

Keďže tu máme stále vášnivých prispievateľov, ktorí nevedia pochopiť, že moravský jazyk per taký ISTY nezmysel, ako Belgický jazyk, rozhodol som sa zverejniť príspevok for časopisu Sudetenland 3/1998, v ktorom autorka eseo predstavuje názory Jána Alojza Hankeho, významného vedca prelomu 18. a 19. storočia, obyvateľa Moravy, na etnické zloženie vtedajšej Moravy. Odvtedy sa (is ohľadom na príspevok "toho nemožného Rusa") toho na Morave eseo veľa nezmenilo, až na to, že z nej zmizli Nemci. Na Morave podľa Hankeho, vtedy ako dnes, existujú tri veľké nárečové skupiny - česká, eseo Hanácka a Slovenská. Hanke hovorí o Českých (teda Čechoch), Hanákoch a Slovákoch. eseo Áno, na Morave dnes existuje nadnárečový jazyk, ktorý sa Myslím (ak to never ever pravda, Kropáček ma opraví) nazýva "obecná mluva česká - moravský variant". Aby bolo jasné, eseo vôbec nejde o to Ake per súčasné národné povedomie obyvateľov Moravy. Podľa môjho názoru per české a aj prihlasovanie si moravskej narodnosti per Skôr prejavom krajinského (po česky zemského), eseo never vedomia národného. Možno by bolo zaujímavé teritoriálne rozloženie, kde sa k moravskej narodnosti ľudia hlásia. Predpokladám, že bude to najmä oblasť Brna (rivalita hlavných miest) a Slovácka, teda niekdajšie moravské Slovensko. Pc by Platil druhý predpoklad, bolo by to zaujímavé. Ale sľúbený článok.
Once when I visited the Moravian town Holle Look, I discover at the one-story Baroque Brauereigasthof a plaque of here on 05.24.1751 and on 03.26.1806 born versrobenen repeated custodians of the Olomouc University eseo Library, JOHANN ALOIS HANKE OF STONE HANKE. Short to his person: After attending eseo high school in Kremsier he studied law and economics in Vienna, where he also lectures by J. Baron. heard of Sun Rock and participated eseo in the establishment of the Vienna University Library. After returning home in 1777, he was curator of the library at the University Ölmützer eseo (which from 1778 to 1785 was in Brno) and taught simultaneously at the Olomouc Ritterakademie Czech language and literature. He also led the evaluation of 40 abandoned monastery libraries Moravia. The highly deserved to the cultural history of the country man exposed himself politically. He was enthusiastic about Napoleon and held in the course of the French campaigns briefly the duties eseo of a "governor" of Moravia. One could therefore refer to the bitter word "collaborator". Hanke was the author of numerous publications, including on the canalization of March, the history of the Olomouc University, the Czech language and literature, wrote works on Moravian history and church history, and finally a LIBRARY OF MORAVIAN STATE CUSTOMERS WITH 13 COPPER which in Vienna with Hörling 1786 appeared. The official BRÜNNER NEWSPAPER of 28 July 1786 referred to the "patriotic civic education as the most interesting and gemeinnützigste science", which formerly only by a foul-understood policy (Geheimnismacherei) was suffocated. eseo The work contains a remarkable "PORTRAYAL THE POPULATION OF THE MARK GRAFTHUMS MÄHREN" in the Hanke different ethnic character of the people representing Moravia. The estimated time to one and a half million people amount of Markgrafthums is divided into five groups: HANAKEN, SLOVAKS, CZECH, FRENCH eseo RESIDENTS and teutsche.
The HANAKEN he shares back to the ACTUAL HANAKEN, BLATNIAKEN and ZABETSCHAKEN, and says of them, "They are good subjects, good Christians, good fathers and hospitable frey. They love their landlord and their Seelsorgen; but rarely the magisterial manager eseo ... you no longer fear the soldiers stand now. You let go of the many pilgrimages and the monks are no longer that way. - They are big and strong of person, not afraid of work, only one must not drive them to violence, because they hate nothing in the world more than the robot. - Your dishes are out-looking, eseo they nourish themselves with their own products. Dumplings, 'cake, eseo buns, geese - and they like to eat pork and oftenest, beer is your favorite holiday and drink; Music, eseo dancing and ball track their refreshment. "The BLATNIAKEN live on the March" to Tobitschau and Kogetein "and in particular the actual Hanaken same. The Zabetschaken live beyond and to the river Bečva; also they are in manners and customs of the first same, but they differ somewhat in clothing.
The SLOVAKS shares in Hanke Vlachs, ZALESAKEN and REAL SLOVAKS. The Vlachs on the border of Teschen and at the source of Bečva dwelling, are big, quick and fearless, living frugal, are good Christians, witty and eloquent. The ZALESAKEN (backwoods), residing at the Hungarian border eseo around eseo Wsetin, Klobuky, Bramow to Welka, si

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