Monday, November 18, 2013

Biogeography is divided into: 1 phytogeography deals with the vegetation and its distribution on Ea

Biosphere - Live cover the earth, part of the landscape sphere, where plants and animals live. The biosphere has a power of about 22 km (deep oceans to the highest mountains), agrees with the thickness of the Earth's land sector Biology - basic science of living organisms, their structure, function of each part ... Biogeography - deals with living organisms as part of the country. It examines their spatial distribution and patterns. Thanks biogeography knowledge as we can. create a map of potential natural vegetation in places where it has long been one altered their activity. velum
Biogeography is divided into: 1 phytogeography deals with the vegetation and its distribution on Earth 2 zoogeography - dealing with the fauna and its distribution on Earth
On living organisms affect different velum landscape components, such as environmental factors. Every organism is evolutionarily velum adapted to certain environmental factors that suits him (the amount of sun, water, temperature, soil pH ...) On the basis of various environmental velum factors such as species divide. velum to: warm-, cold-, light-demanding, tôňomilné, hydrophilic (hygrofyty), xerophilic velum (xerofyty) ...
Plants and animals are grouped according to environmental conditions of the site (temperature, precipitation, soil ...) and relations. Among the kinds of ongoing competition for space. The result is the formation of a typical plant (phytocoenosis) and animal (zoocoenosis) community for the environmental conditions. Phytocoenosis and zoocoenosis together form the biocenosis. Biocenosis with inanimate forms geobiocenoses components (eg complex relationships.: Soil depends on the rocks, rainfall, temperature velum and biocenosis biocenosis depends on soil moisture, temperature, zoocoenosis up by biota, which is a source of food for zoocenoses etc.)
BIOM - a large area of the planet, which macroclimatic conditions determine velum the type of communities living in it. BIOM is therefore geographically extensive ecosystem that is characterized by a predominant type of vegetation, for example. tropical rain forests, tundra, prairie, savanna, velum coniferous and deciduous forests of temperate climate zones and under.
Individual biomes are special forms of the plant formations by which we distinguish: formation without continuous vegetation cover (eg deserts), velum grassy and herbaceous formations (eg, tropical savannas, steppes, meadows, wetlands, tundra), forest velum formations (eg taiga , mixed and deciduous forests).
Planetary biosphere breakdown in accordance with the change of climatic conditions from the equator to the poles originated WAY (zonal) arrangement of flora and fauna (BIOCLIMATIC ZONE - BIOM - landscapes) each biome occurs in a variety of climates, from which depends on the type of soil, flora and fauna natural types countries are now considerably altered by human activities (cultural landscape)
Tropical rain forest climate zone: tropical and equatorial zone (between the tropics) temperature and precipitation during the year 2000-3000 mm of rainfall evenly distributed throughout the year, constant high temperatures and evaporation throughout the year (approx. 30 º C) continents (where in the world?) Bets by rate (Amazon), Africa (Congo Basin, Gulf Guineský), SE Asian islands (Borneo, New Guinea), velum S Australia, Central America, Mexico (Yucatan) vegetation: a lush, dense stands of trees high (up to 60 m), the trees generated by the 5 floors, very colorful velum species composition (high biodiversity), the appearance of the forest all year the same fauna: the animals are concentrated in the upper floors, with more light, velum a large number of insects, birds, monkeys, missing big game, gorilla and chimpanzee (Africa), orangutan (Borneo), sloth (Amazon) Soil: red-yellow soil threats: high-risk type of the country because of the rapid deforestation of areas from Amazon, Congo Basin to Borneo. Deforestation has various causes (poľnohosp.pôdy acquisition, logging, mining, construction of dams etc.. Soils after deforestation quickly lose nutrients (eg oil palm plantations in Indonesia have an estimated life of only about 30 years old) tropical rain forests velum now cover about around 6% of the Earth's surface but scientists assume that they have houses more than half of all plant and animal velum species in the world (high biodiversity) preservation of tropical forests is also important in terms of mitigating global climate change (forests detain a huge amount of CO2 in their plantations)
Savannah climatic zone: Tropical zone (closer to the Tropic, the transition between trop.lesmi and semi-deserts) temperature and precipitation during the year 1000 to 1500 mm of rainfall, which are unevenly distributed throughout the year (rainy and dry), temperature time approx

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